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Ray Summit 2021 CFP Now Open!

By Zhe Zhang and Ben Lorica   |   January 13, 2021

We are very excited to announce the 2021 Ray Summit, which will be held June 22 - 24 as a fully virtual event. We are now accepting proposals for conference talks and the deadline to submit is February 24, 2021.

We are very excited to announce the 2021 Ray Summit, which will be held June 22 - 24 as a fully virtual event. We are now accepting proposals for conference talks and the deadline to submit is February 24, 2021.

LinkSubmit your proposal

The Ray Summit brings together developers, machine learning practitioners (especially on deep learning and reinforcement learning), data scientists, DevOps professionals, and cloud-native architects interested in building scalable data and AI applications. The conference is centered around Ray, an open source platform that enables developers to write their applications at any scale. We hope to establish a forum to discuss the world’s emerging demand for distributed computing in different industries, and how Ray (and related technologies) can be used to address these challenges. We are looking for case studies, deep dives into core technologies, and research projects.

LinkKey Topics

  • Scalable machine learning: distributed training, hyperparameter tuning, model and architecture search, and AutoML

  • Reinforcement learning

  • End-to-end applications: from data processing through model serving and monitoring.

  • Ray components and libraries

  • Cloud computing topics such as stateful serverless computing.

If you are new to speaking at conferences, here are some tips for writing good talk proposals.

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