Here are the slide decks and videos for the Jan 30, 2020 Ray Meetup in San Francisco.
Introduction and Welcome – Dean Wampler (me), Anyscale: slides (PDF) and video (first four minutes)
Fast Scheduling in Ray 0.8 – Edward Oakes, Anyscale: slides (PDF) and video (starting at 4:15)
Ray Dashboard Demo – Philipp Moritz and Mitchell Stern, Anyscale (not recorded). We’ll upload a demo video soon
User Talk: TrainingSparse Neural NetworksWith Ray – Michaelangelo Caporale, Numenta: slides (PPTX) and video (only the second half was captured; my apologies to Michaelangelo)
User Talk: How Microsoft is using Ray and RLlib inside a Machine Teaching Service for Autonomous Systems – Edilmo Palencia, Microsoft: slides (PDF) and video (starting at 5:15)
Ray.Serve: A new scalable machine learning model serving library on Ray – Simon Mo, Anyscale: slides (slideshare) and video (starting 15 minutes in)
Want to learn more about Ray? Sign up for the free Ray Summit this Fall!