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Announcing Ray 2.4.0: Infrastructure for LLM training, tuning, inference, and serving

By Richard Liaw, Jules S. Damji and Jiajun Yao   |   April 27, 2023

The Ray 2.4 release features exciting improvements across the Ray ecosystem. In this blog post, we highlight new features and examples for Generative AI workloads and share four overall additions:

  1. Enhancements to Ray data for ease of use, stability, and observability

  2. Improved Serve observability

  3. Introduce RLlib’s module for custom reinforcement learning

  4. Improved Ray scalability for large clusters

LinkGenerative AI model examples and new features using Ray

Over the past few months, we have seen a flurry of innovative activities around generative AI models and large language models (LLMs). To continue our steadfast commitment to make Ray a pivotal compute substrate for generative AI workloads and address the challenges (as explained in our blog series), we have added significant enhancements in this release to ensure that these open source LLM models and workloads are accessible to the open source community and performant with Ray. 


Generative AI Workloads: First, with 2.4 we are releasing a set of new working examples showing how to use Ray with Stable Diffusion and LLMs like GPT-J. Below we tabulate the workload of each of these models and their respective links. More are underway with respect to Ray’s integration with LangChain.

Ray AIR* new trainers: Second, to further enable additional large model workloads on Ray, we’re also releasing an AccelerateTrainer, allowing you to run HuggingFace Accelerate and DeepSpeed on Ray with minimal code changes. This Trainer integrates with the rest of the Ray ecosystem—including the ability to run distributed hyperparameter tuning with each trial dispatched as a distributed training job.

See how CarperAI/trlx uses this for RLHF hyperparameter sweeps, and take a peek at the documentation too.

1from ray.train.huggingface.accelerate import AccelerateTrainer
3def train_func():
4    ...
6trainer = AccelerateTrainer(
7    train_func,
8    accelerate_config={}  # you can pass in a config filepath here as well
9    scaling_config=ScalingConfig(
10        trainer_resources={"CPU": 0},
11        num_workers=4,
12        use_gpu=True,
13        resources_per_worker={"CPU": 2},
14    ),
17result = trainer.fit()
19# Integration with Ray Tune
20tuner = tune.Tuner(
21    trainer,
22    param_space={"lr": tune.grid_search([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]),
25results = tuner.fit()

You can see the full example for AccelerateTrainer here.

Updated LightningTrainer: Third, in the broader deep learning space, we’re introducing the LightningTrainer, allowing you to scale your PyTorch Lightning on Ray. As part of our continued effort for seamless integration and ease of use, we have enhanced and replaced our existing ray_lightning integration, which was widely adopted, with the latest changes to PyTorch Lighting. 

The new LightningTrainer provides better compatibility with the other Ray libraries: Ray Tune or Ray Data or Ray Serve directly with Ray connecting APIs.

Check out the documentation for this component or take a look at an example.

1from pytorch_lightning.loggers.csv_logs import CSVLogger
2from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
3from ray.air.config import RunConfig, ScalingConfig, CheckpointConfig
4from ray.train.lightning import (
5    LightningTrainer,
6    LightningConfigBuilder,
7    LightningCheckpoint,
10class MNISTClassifier:
14class MNISTDataModule:
17lightning_config = (
18    LightningConfigBuilder()
19    .module(MNISTClassifier, lr=1e-3, feature_dim=128)
20    .trainer(
21        max_epochs=10,
22        accelerator="cpu",
23        log_every_n_steps=100,
24        logger=CSVLogger("logs"),
25    )
26    .fit_params(datamodule=datamodule)
27    .checkpointing(monitor="val_accuracy", mode="max", save_top_k=3)
28    .build()
30scaling_config = ScalingConfig(
31    num_workers=4, use_gpu=True, resources_per_worker={"CPU": 1, "GPU": 1}
34run_config = RunConfig(
35    name="ptl-mnist-example",
36    local_dir="/tmp/ray_results",
37    checkpoint_config=CheckpointConfig(
38        num_to_keep=3,
39        checkpoint_score_attribute="val_accuracy",
40        checkpoint_score_order="max",
41    ),
43trainer = LightningTrainer(
44    lightning_config=lightning_config,
45    scaling_config=scaling_config,
46    run_config=run_config,
49result = trainer.fit()

See the full source code here.

LinkEnhancements in Ray Data 

The enhancements and features in the release cut across a few dimensions: stability, ease of use, and observability.

Data and ease of use: Data ingestion and preprocessing for machine learning (ML) at scale are central to any end-to-end ML. 

To enable ease of use, the default backend execution model for Ray Data is streaming-based under the hood. As such developers need not worry about instructing Ray Data to use the streaming execution backend; it’s the default execution mode. Second, the default streaming backend lends itself well to large scale workloads such as setting up distributed training data streaming and batch inference or preprocessing.

1import ray
2from ray.data import ActorPoolStrategy
4import time
6def preprocess_func(x):
7   # Do some work with the data x
8   x = ...
9   time.sleep(0.1)
10   return x
12for _ in (
13   ray.data.range_tensor(5000, shape=(80, 80, 3), parallelism=200)
14   .map_batches(preprocess_func, compute=ActorPoolStrategy(size=4))
15   .map_batches(preprocess_func, compute=ActorPoolStrategy(size=3))
16   .map_batches(preprocess_func, num_cpus=1)
17   .iter_batches()
21   pass

This launches a simple 4-stage pipeline. We use different compute args for each stage, which forces them to be run as separate operators instead of getting fused together. You should see a log message indicating streaming execution is being used.

While the above example is using dummy tasks, these sort of operator pipelines are a common pattern Ray users desire to scale:

ray_data_distributed_imageFigure 1. Ray data streaming data with ActorPool

Ray data and SQL: Additionally, we have extended Ray Data’s ability to fetch data from a common SQL data source, with read_sql(...), enabling you to connect to a common SQL data store.

1import mysql.connector
3import ray
5def create_connection():
6    return mysql.connector.connect(
7        user="admin",
8        password=...,
10      connection_timeout=30,
11      database="example",
12    )
14# Get all movies
15datastream = ray.data.read_sql("SELECT * FROM movie", create_connection)
16# Get movies after the year 1980
17datastream = ray.data.read_sql(
18    "SELECT title, score FROM movie WHERE year >= 1980", create_connection
20# Get the number of movies per year
21datastream = ray.data.read_sql(
22    "SELECT year, COUNT(*) FROM movie GROUP BY year", create_connection

LinkEnhancements to Serve observability

In 2.4, we are adding new functionality for observability and monitoring for Ray Serve applications. You can use the Ray dashboard to get a high-level overview of your Ray cluster and Ray Serve application’s states. This includes details such as:

  • the number of deployment replicas currently running

  • logs for your Serve controller, deployment replicas, and HTTP proxies

  • the Ray nodes (i.e., machines) running in your Ray cluster.

You can access the Ray dashboard at port 8265 at your cluster’s URI. For example, if you’re running Ray Serve locally, use http://localhost:8265 in your browser.

ray_serve_observebilityFigure 1. Serve observesability metrics in the Ray Dashboard.

For more information on the dashboard, read the documentation for the Serve page.

LinkRLlib’s new module for custom reinforcement

In RLlib, we are introducing a new RLModule abstraction (alpha). RLModule API provides a unified way to define custom reinforcement learning models in RLlib. This API enables you to design and implement your own models to suit specific needs.

To maintain consistency and usability, RLlib offers a standardized approach for defining module objects for both single-agent and multi-agent reinforcement learning environments through the SingleAgentRLModuleSpec and MultiAgentRLModuleSpec classes. The built-in RLModules in RLlib follow this consistent design pattern, making it easier for you to understand and utilize these modules.

1import gymnasium as gym
2from ray.rllib.core.rl_module.rl_module import SingleAgentRLModuleSpec
3from ray.rllib.core.testing.torch.bc_module import DiscreteBCTorchModule
5env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
7spec = SingleAgentRLModuleSpec(
8    module_class=DiscreteBCTorchModule,
9    observation_space=env.observation_space,
10    action_space=env.action_space,
11    model_config_dict={"fcnet_hiddens": [64]},
14module = spec.build()

This is an experimental module that serves as a general replacement for ModelV2, and is subject to change. It will eventually match the functionality of the previous stack. If you only use high-level RLlib APIs such as Algorithm, you should not experience significant changes, except for a few new parameters to the configuration object. Read more about it in the documentation.

LinkRay Core scaling to 2000 nodes

We’ve also invested time in making sure Ray can support larger scale workloads. With this release, we are announcing official support for Ray clusters to up to 2000 nodes. See scalability envelope for more details.


First and foremost, we want to thank all contributors for their valuable contributions to this new release of Ray 2.4. Your enduring support continues to foster the wider use of Ray adoption.

This release is a milestone in our efforts to offer Ray as a performant compute infrastructure for LLM training, inference, and serving. We shared a number of examples that speak to these efforts.

Additionally, we enhanced Ray Data, improved Serve observability, introduced a new RLlib customization module, and scaled Ray core to support large workloads, up to 2000 nodes.

Have a go at the latest release with pip install “ray[default]” and let us know of your feedback. We’re always interested to hear from you – feel free to reach out to us on Github or Discuss.

LinkWhat’s Next?

Stay tuned for more Generative AI how-to blog series as we continue our efforts to make Ray the platform choice and compute substrate for all your Generative AI workloads.

If you missed our four-part blog series on Generative AI, in which lay out our vision, position, and solution on how Ray addresses the challenges associated with OSS Generative AI workloads, peruse the links below. Much of the above Generative AI examples and features stem from this series.

🔗 How Ray solves common production challenges for generative AI infrastructure

🔗 Training 175B Parameter Language Models at 1000 GPU scale with Alpa and Ray

🔗 Faster stable diffusion fine-tuning with Ray AIR

🔗 How to fine tune and serve LLMs simply, quickly and cost effectively using Ray + DeepSpeed + HuggingFace

🔗 Building an LLM open source search engine in 100 lines using LangChain and Ray

Join our Ray Community and the Ray #LLM slack channel.

Finally, we have our Ray Summit 2023 early-bird registration open. Secure your spot, and save some money.

*We are sunsetting the "Ray AIR" concept and namespace starting with Ray 2.7. The changes follow the proposal outlined in this REP.

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